13 April 2009

he ordered veggie sticks!

We don't go out to eat often but when we do I still like to try and order something healthy for the kids. I love how most restaurants let you choose your side dish now. Tonight after Ethan's t-ball game was cancelled due to the rain we went to dinner at Edgefield with Erich. I read Ethan the kids menu and for his side dish he could choose from-veggie sticks, french fries or tater tots. He said veggie sticks without even a second thought. Jake asked him if he was sure because this has never happened before again he said "yah I like them you know" So he ordered them and ATE almost all of them too! I guess it's true what they say, if you put it on their plate eventually they will eat it. It took me almost 5 years but tonight my son ordered veggie sticks for the first time! Lets just hope it won't be the last :)

1 comment:

  1. I love those proud mommy moments..... that is we as parents get to be proud of ourselves! Cheers to persistance and letting our kids finally figure it out for themselves! Amber
