28 January 2010

dinner out

Jake and I took the kids out to dinner tonight. It's not often we go out with them but when we do I am reminded that under all the craziness they are pretty good kids. At dinner they said please and thank you to our waitress. Ethan ordered his meal and helped translate what Gracie wanted. They used their napkins and didn't stand on the seats (which if you have kids you know this is a big one). At one point our waitress who's name was Ang came by and asked if we needed anything else to which Ethan replied "Umm thanks Ang but I have to finish my bread". She said we had the most well behaved kids she had seen. And they might not have eaten all of their dinner but we still got them a little desert. Reward the little thing....right :)

27 January 2010

fresh oj

Today I cut up and squeezed three fresh honey bell oranges. My Mother-in-law gets them every year and gives us a few, the kids just love them. They really are so fresh and juicy! So when Ethan asked me to make orange juice this morning for him I thought 'why not'. It was really fun and I got a full cup out of each orange. Gracie liked it so much she put one of her plastic oranges up on the counter and tried to "juice" it.

26 January 2010

happy birthday billy!

Happy 22nd Birthday little Brother!

25 January 2010

i have internet again

I'm back on the net with our home computer!!! We have been doing a lot of moving furniture around our house and we got a new cable company so my internet was down for sometime. It's a good thing I have my iPhone or I would have been lost :) Now that I'm back I noticed I didn't publish my last few posts I just hit save. So you will see there are some new posts from a month ago just now added....enjoy and I promise to blog more!

01 January 2010

welcome 2010

We went to our friends Jesse & Katie's last night to celebrate New Years Eve. Like always we had a lot of fun. It's always nice to enjoy your friends while having your kids there too.

Now on to the new year..............oh and Happy 30th Birthday Jake, our new year baby!