24 April 2009

the last of the cake

I just LOVE the huge chocolate cake from costco! I think we have got one every year for my birthday but I can never eat the whole thing. This year after our party we had about half left and cake is not on my diet so I let the kids eat it after dinner one night. I just gave them a fork and said go for it! Ethan wasn't sure what to think but Gracie just dug right in. Now I can say the cake did not go to waste and it's out of the house so I wont be tempted!

23 April 2009

My little man is 5 years old!

Well today was the day my little man turned 5 years old! He wanted to go to Red Lobster for his birthday dinner. He says he likes to order a lobster but really he likes to play with the lobster tail and crab legs. So we ordered him crab legs and no sooner did he get the crab did he grab his mouth and say "I think I'm going to get sick" We ran to the bathroom but didn't make it all the way there.......this poor little birthday boy got sick ALL OVER the lobby and into the bathroom. I must say the staff at Red Lobster were very nice and one girl even brought him water into the bathroom. She asked if he needed anything else and he said "no I'll be fine you can go back to work now" As I carried him out to the car to wait for the rest of the family he saw the "mess" he had made all over the floor and he told the 4 people that were cleaning it up "I'm really sorry about your floor" I just felt so bad for him. After we got him home and all cleaned up he asked if he could still have his gifts so we opened them up in bed. As you can see he is very into GI Joe and Transformers.
Now this may only be funny to me but when I downloaded the pictures tonight I noticed the crab picture was taken at 6:24pm and it was just a few minutes later that he was in the bathroom. 5 years ago when he was born at 6:35pm I also was through up during his delivery. I guess we are more alike then I thought!
Happy 5th Birthday Ethan Alexander Hendrix!!!

21 April 2009

Ethan vs The Dentist

Ethan went to the dentist for the first time today (I know bad Mommy he's almost 5)! He was very nervous and didn't know what to think. It took him awhile to warm up to Amy (she's one of Erich's friends) but once he did he started joking around with her. He wanted to wear his own sunglasses and had to do everything his way. This first picture is of him not opening his mouth. When I got the camera out he turned to me and said "I told you not to take any pictures of me" so we made a deal I would not take any pictures if he did as Amy asked.
But I just had to get one more in while she was cleaning his teeth. He also had x-rays taken, now that was a little harder on Amy as we all know how stubborn Ethan can be when he dose not want to do something. I'm not sure where he gets that from :) But once I went back there to talk to him he opened up and let her take 2 x-rays that he got to keep. This was very cool and he said he's going to put the x-ray with the rods from his femur.
Good news is his teeth are perfect-NO CAVITIES!!! My little man is growing up so fast....only 2 more days until he's 5!

20 April 2009


If you have kids you know what it is like trying to get out the door. It takes about 15 mins per kid to make sure you have everything you need. This morning as I was going through my checklist.....shoes, jackets, wipe the food & dirt off their faces, water bottles (it was just so hot you know-62 degrees) Gracie needed her purse while Ethan always has a weapon in his hand then on to my stuff......cell phone, purse (look to make sure everything is still in purse since Gracie likes to take out the "pretty" stuff) diaper and finally the keys.......I couldn't find my keys! I looked for 45 mins trying to find the keys and they were nowhere! I called Jake and he said he would come home on his lunch to give me his set so for the next 2 hours I continued to look for my keys but they were gone! After Jake dropped off his set we were ready to go once we got all our stuff together again. Finally almost 5 hours later as I was walking into the store I opened my new purse to find a safe place to put Jake's key and what do you know......there are my keys!!! I had put them in a "safe" pocket inside my new purse!

Good news-I found my keys! Bad news-Jake will never let me live this one down!

19 April 2009

The BIG Party

This last weekend Ethan and I had a joint birthday bbq. The bbq was great and we both had a lot of fun. Ethan has always thought of my friends as his so he went around the party saying "thanks for coming to my party" & "don't forget to tell my Mom happy birthday she's old but she still likes to have a party" I had a few camera problems so we didn't get very many pictures but here are a few. It's a good thing next weekend he is having a kids party I'll get all the fun party pics then.

Ethan with his presents.

Ethan and his favorite girls, Rylee & Gracie!

Rylee moving in for the birthday kiss!
My wonderful in-laws!

My cute little prego sister-in-law Aimee & my Mom

My best friend Katie

Ethan with his cousin Chandra
Thanks to everyone for spending our special birthday with us! Ethan and I love you all!!!!

17 April 2009

breakfast.......the best part of the day

I woke up this morning to hear Ethan in the kitchen making breakfast. It was 6:15 am and he had four bowls lined up on the counter and he was pouring cereal into them. When he saw me he said "oh good morning Mommy I was just making you breakfast" He asked for some help getting the milk out. "thanks Mom I really didn't want to make a mess pouring the milk on the floor." I told him how nice that was he had thought ahead about the mess he could have made and he said "yeah cause then you would have to mop the floors and your cereal would get wet and soft"

That's my boy always thinking about me!

16 April 2009

garden time

Ethan has talked about wanting to grow his own garden for some time now so today we took a trip to 4 different garden centers. He looked at all kinds of seeds and small plants. We didn't buy anything today mainly because I don't have a garden space ready in our backyard yet. But seeing how excited he was about growing cucumbers, strawberries and tomatoes I think that will be our project next week. Gracie too was excited at the garden centers but she loved all the flowers! She would pick up the pots and say "ohhhh pretty mommy". I did buy some flowers for the beds and Gracie helped me carry them to the car and then at home into the backyard saying "mine, mine" She can be a very girly girl sometimes :) I'll make sure to take pictures when we start the garden!

15 April 2009

a great birthday!

Today is my birthday and oh what a day it was! It started off finding Gracie in her crib this morning with let's just say last nights dinner all over herself and the bed. While I was cleaning this up Jake got up headed straight for the bathroom. I thought I was going to spend my whole birthday cleaning up after and taking care of sick "kids" but after some toast and lots of little naps everyone was feeling back to normal.

During Ethan's baseball practice Gracie and I played on the playground. Then Ethan took me out to dinner. He said "Mom because its your birthday I thought we could go to dinner" I told him thanks and how nice that was and he said " your welcome but really its because I don't want to eat chicken and salad anymore". Maybe the kids are sick of my diet too! Our parents and some friends met us for dinner along with my sister. It was a lot of fun and I let the kids stay up until almost 10 o'clock (if you know me you know that this is a very big deal) Ethan told me he had the best mommy birthday ever!

But best of all was my gift from Jake and the kids. They got me an iTouch! It dose everything an iPhone dose but its not a phone. Jake downloaded music for me and within seconds Ethan and Gracie figured out how to operate it. Now Gracie just picks it up, pushes a few screen's and poof shes dancing around with her music. Now I'm sure it will take me a lot longer to figure it all out but I love it!

14 April 2009

sick boy +stubborn girl = wine for Mommy!

Ethan woke up this morning not feeling very well. He had a temp around 101 and didn't want to move his head. Then he got sick, poor little boy he's just like me he was crying and saying "I'm so sorry mommy" I always cry when I'm sick too. He spent the whole day in bed. You know this little man is sick when he sleeps and dose not want to watch cartoons. My friend Micky said it must have been the veggie sticks from last night :) And maybe it was because after countless "bathroom trips" this morning he felt a little better.

So that left Gracie and I to have a girls day. We played with her doll house, had a tea party, read lots of books and ate some easter candy (shhhh don't tell Daddy). Her newest trick is climbing out of her crib. I'm still trying to get her to stay in her crib during naps and at night but this is a battle I am quickly losing. We have a toddler bed I need to clean up and put in her room I just thought I could have a few more months before she became a big girl!

No one ever told me being a mommy meant cleaning up vomit on the bedroom, hallway and bathroom floor. Oh and did I mention my lap too! Or spending 73 mins trying to get a very stubborn little girl back into bed. But when you hear that last "wuv you" as you tuck her in for the 398th time or that "thanks for taking good care of me and sorry for spiting all the red jello on your lap" as you kiss him good night that means the most!

13 April 2009

he ordered veggie sticks!

We don't go out to eat often but when we do I still like to try and order something healthy for the kids. I love how most restaurants let you choose your side dish now. Tonight after Ethan's t-ball game was cancelled due to the rain we went to dinner at Edgefield with Erich. I read Ethan the kids menu and for his side dish he could choose from-veggie sticks, french fries or tater tots. He said veggie sticks without even a second thought. Jake asked him if he was sure because this has never happened before again he said "yah I like them you know" So he ordered them and ATE almost all of them too! I guess it's true what they say, if you put it on their plate eventually they will eat it. It took me almost 5 years but tonight my son ordered veggie sticks for the first time! Lets just hope it won't be the last :)

12 April 2009


Easter in the Hendrix home was a lot of fun this year! We were very busy (like always) but I love seeing all of our family and the kids always have a great time. We received an Easter basket of fruit from Jake's Mom and the kids went crazy over it. Gracie had to take a bite out of each piece and lick the chocolate.

Ethan said "it's just what I've wanted for over 200 years."

We went to see the Easter bunny but Gracie did not want to sit on his lap.

She just sat on the floor and cried!

The kids colored Easter eggs with their Papa Max. I made them take off their clothes so no dye would get on them and Ethan said "oh Mom you can just wash it you know!"

We then went over to my parents house for dinner with my family. The kids got more Easter candy and had a great egg hunt.

I just love those little faces!!

the BIG game

The big first t-ball game was a success! All of the kids had a great time and Ethan had "the best time ever" he said. He is pretty good if I do say so myself.

Ethan took some time out from playing to give his #1 fan a hug.

Gracie was the "biggest" little fan out there!

A very proud Daddy to coach his son!

I'm looking forward to a lot more fun and good times at the ball field!

10 April 2009

back on the net

After no internet for 2 days we are up and running. I didn't realize just how much I used the internet until it was gone! What ever did stay at home moms do before the internet? It's like my lifeline to the outside world. Ethan is also very excited to have the internet back. He plays online when Gracie takes a nap. Yesterday I found him petting the computer saying "will you please just work for me? I really miss my disney.com!" I told him I was working on it and he said "next time you should be nicer to the computer and not yell at it, it's not nice to yell at something when it can't yell back."

......words to live by

07 April 2009

Every day a new adventure

My little nudist strikes again!
Last night when I went in to check on the kids before bed I found Gracie naked again! She had taken off her pjs and diaper. I had to take a picture (for blackmail purposes later).

Ethan still has his hives but I let him go to tball practice last night only because he laid in bed all day resting. When he has hives he swells really bad and in the past has had to go to the Dr's for a shot. Before practice Jake had to cut the grass at the park and Ethan was right there to help. He had so much fun! I'm not sure who was more excited him or Jake. Jake was like a big kid out there. It's really neat to watch your husband teach other kids. I think he's going to be a great coach. This Saturday is their first game I can't wait!

06 April 2009

Good Morning Mommy

Just like the birds sing in the morning my little girl wakes up "singing" her song. I guess it's a lot better then hearing her yell or scream or cry. Some mornings it's really funny and I will just lay in bed to hear how long she will sing until I get up. Her song goes like this, "Momma, Moooommmaaa, oh mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, maaammmaaa, oh mommy, ohhhhhh daddy.......ohhhhh buuuubbbbaaa.........MOM, MOM, MOM!" As you can see when the nice and sweet mommy dose not work she starts to call for anyone else who might come open her door. Today as I went into her room I found that she had taken off her diaper and her blankets were all wet. She looked at me and said "yuck mommy oh yuck". After I cleaned her all up and released her into the house she went straight for Ethan's room, climbed up on his bed and gave him a big kiss "bubba, bubba, up, bubba". Ethan however, currently has hives and was not in the mood to wake up at 6:15am so he pushed her to one side of his bed, rolled over and said "Mom I'll give you one chance to get her out of here" I gave him a kiss and said "or what" he put his hand on my face and oh so softly said "you will be sorry!!" I guess he's a lot more like his Dad, every moment of sleep counts!