29 September 2010

as life gets busy

Yesterday I was reminded that life is busy and in order to make other people happy you must be happy yourself. Too many days I spend my time doing things for others just to sit down at the end of the day to realize that I didn't get anything done for myself.

Yesterday I had an 8:15 apt with the red cross to donate blood. However yesterday just wasn't my day. I didn't have a sitter for Gracie so I had to take her with me which put me a little behind schedule. Now I could have rescheduled the apt for later in the day but I had made plans to help someone else. Add to that 97% humidity and about every red light I could find put me even more behind schedule. Anyways when I finally ran in they took all my vitals and of course my pulse was 106 (too high to donate) so the nurse was very nice and let me have a few minutes to catch my breath then took it again...103.....unable to donate. I know that there will be other days to donate but what if I'm too busy that day too? It made me stop and think that maybe I put too much on my plate.

So I ask you, all 5 of you who read this, how do you prioritize your to do list?