13 May 2009

zoo days

Being the brave mommy that I am, I took the kids to the zoo by myself. Now if you know my children this is a big deal. Ethan I can handle but Gracie she moves "like lighting" as Ethan would say. We had a really good time, walked 6.17 miles, ate any and everything we wanted and went to sleep on the train home.......oh did I mention Ethan begged me to ride MAX! OH Yes I did, I took them on MAX too! I know what can you say, Kristin was on public transportation and lived to tell about it. I did however tell Ethan this was a one time deal :)
Gracie looking to see if I'm around before she runs into the water.
The log tunnel, oh what fun.
Gracie on the rocks that you're not supposed to climb on :)
Ethan loves brushing the goats
This little goat tried to eat Gracie's coat.
Ethan thought it was so neat to feed the lorikeets.
Gracie tried but she's a little to wild for them.
The sand........we came all the way to the zoo to play in a sandbox!
Sami the baby elephant. Gracie LOVED the baby, she has been playing baby elephant all day today saying "oh baby....so pittty....oh baby ohhhhhh" as she holds a plastic elephant.
I asked for one cute picture together and what do I get.....Gracie tries to bite him!
This is after her timeout, yes she got a timeout at the zoo (in fact she got 3)!
Sleeping on the train while a crazy woman talked to me until I "fell asleep" too :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are brave!!! But how fun for them! I would probably never ride MAX alone, so you get double points for that one! ;-) One of my favorite Zoo trips is when I took Taylor by myself, just us girls, it was great!
