We spent the day with Ethan's "big friends" as he calls them, Ted & Brandi. First we took the kids to the spray ground at Blue Lake. There were lots of water fights and I'm not talking between the kids :) as you can see the big kids got in on the water fun too. After playing at the lake we went to Ted & Brandi's house for a BBQ.

Ethan looking for his first victim.

oh look he found Ted

Mommy & Daddy need to rest before they get wet.

Say cheese!

the baby needs to get wet too

Brandi & Gracie

Ted taking Ethan for a little dip

and the water fight begins

Brandi with the not so nice bottle on Jake

still friends :)

football time

touchdown Ethan

Levi wanted Gracie to drop some corn

I think we may put a doggy door in our house for Gracie, she had so much fun :)
It was a great day and the best part is we got to hang out with our adult friends and the kids got to play too. We are really lucky to have such good friends that like our kids and want to hang out with them. Now maybe next time we'll send the kids without us!
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