26 February 2010

a big girl with diamonds in her ears!

We finally did it, Gracie got her ears pierced! She has been talking about this for a long time now and I'm not sure why we have been waiting but we did it! That's not true I know why I was waiting, I knew it would hurt and as much as she wanted it I thought she would hate me if we did it. Anyways, her pediatrician Dr Calcagno did it right there in his office. She was a little scared at first but as you can see below she did very well! Of course when he got out the earrings they use to pierce the ears Gracie told him "ummm my daddy buy me diamonds" and pushed away his earrings. It took some convincing but she let him pierce her ears with his earrings only because daddy said it would be ok.

1 comment:

  1. What?? Dr. Calcagno pierces ears??? That video is sad by the way.
