The walk n' roll for the UCP was a great success! We had a great time and raised some money for our cousin Kailey and her friends. After the walk we celebrated Kailey's birthday.
17 September 2009
walk n roll for kailey
14 September 2009
This is my 100th post and to celebrate I thought I would take a moment to thank everyone who reads this. I enjoy sharing all the cute and not so cute things my children do and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do writing them.
I am so thankful to have such a strong and determined husband. As we count down the days (77) until he leaves I am reminded of how much he is doing for our family. After work and the gym his days and nights are filled with a "honey do" list a mile long (I told him he cant leave until it's done so I just keep adding things) and he still finds time to play with the kids and surprise me with a shoe shopping trip for our anniversary. After 12 years he still knows the way to my! I cant thank him enough for what he has and is about to do for our family!!
I am also so proud of my little man who takes care of us too. He takes everything to heart and truly cares about his family and friends. He looks after his sister more then any 5 year old should. He's also looking after me, always helping me with things around the house and reminding me of what needs to be done. He looks up to his daddy and always says "I'm just like my dad" He's a little OCD like his mommy, I think he's the only kid I know who at 3 was teaching the other kids how to sort the toys before putting them away. Ethan is wise beyond his years. He is like an old soul.
There is nothing graceful about my little Gracie. She was given the name hurricane Grace at 6 months and has more then lived up to it. She knows how to push my buttons and can beat (and I mean beat) on her brother. She cries, screams and has the biggest tantrums I've ever seen. She loves to play with her dolls and help me in the kitchen. In the mornings she's like my shadow-shower, hair, make-up, clothes, shoes-we do it all together. But her favorite thing to do is "cook" in her kitchen for her daddy. She could spend hours making him food. Her looks could kill but can also melt your heart. I know she's had mine from the start!
So here's to last 100 fun memories and to many more to come!
I am so thankful to have such a strong and determined husband. As we count down the days (77) until he leaves I am reminded of how much he is doing for our family. After work and the gym his days and nights are filled with a "honey do" list a mile long (I told him he cant leave until it's done so I just keep adding things) and he still finds time to play with the kids and surprise me with a shoe shopping trip for our anniversary. After 12 years he still knows the way to my! I cant thank him enough for what he has and is about to do for our family!!
I am also so proud of my little man who takes care of us too. He takes everything to heart and truly cares about his family and friends. He looks after his sister more then any 5 year old should. He's also looking after me, always helping me with things around the house and reminding me of what needs to be done. He looks up to his daddy and always says "I'm just like my dad" He's a little OCD like his mommy, I think he's the only kid I know who at 3 was teaching the other kids how to sort the toys before putting them away. Ethan is wise beyond his years. He is like an old soul.
There is nothing graceful about my little Gracie. She was given the name hurricane Grace at 6 months and has more then lived up to it. She knows how to push my buttons and can beat (and I mean beat) on her brother. She cries, screams and has the biggest tantrums I've ever seen. She loves to play with her dolls and help me in the kitchen. In the mornings she's like my shadow-shower, hair, make-up, clothes, shoes-we do it all together. But her favorite thing to do is "cook" in her kitchen for her daddy. She could spend hours making him food. Her looks could kill but can also melt your heart. I know she's had mine from the start!
So here's to last 100 fun memories and to many more to come!
09 September 2009
cute cuddly camo
I picked up these camo teddy bear pj's for the kids to wear on our hunting trips coming up this fall. I just thought they were so cutebut we had to try them on before the trip. Gracie's liked them so much I let them sleep in them tonight. I asked about eight times before bed to take a picture of them and every time it was a big fat NO. So when I walked in to find that Gracie had climbed into Ethan's bed I told them the only way she could stay was if I got a picture. Well this is what they gave me........

07 September 2009
down came the trees
This weekend we took down two 40+ foot trees in our front yard. The trees have been tearing up the sidewalk and our roof for years now however only half of one was on our property. So finally our neighbor agreed to let us cut them down. It was a cold and wet weekend with a lot of rain but dried up today so we could finish. Dennis our neighbor across the street helped Jake cut them down in exchange for wood, yes we got rid of the trees and Dennis got all the firewood. It was a lot of work but I am SO GLAD the trees are gone. Now with a little stump grinding and a few flowerbed fixes we should have a new front yard.
mr kitty's check up
Gracie took Mr Kitty in for a check up after his procedure last week. The doctor said he was healing well and the stitches could come out but he still needed to stay inside for a little while. She was very good with him. She sat up there and gave him kisses while the doctor looked him over. When we got home she ran into the kitchen and got out some treats for him. It was very sweet!

My Mom came over to help us make fresh pesto. Of course Gracie had to help. We made a whole bunch and froze it in ice cube trays then popped them into freezer bags. Gracie's favorite parts were eating the cheese, licking the pesto and watching the pop come out of the trays. I love little family traditions like this.

03 September 2009
helping mommy clean
Today I found Gracie in the bathroom wetting toilet paper. When I asked her what she was doing she said "help mommy" then wiped the sink "nice keen (clean) mommy". I told her what a good job she was doing but that was enough. She said no and continued to pull rolls and rolls of toilet paper off. By the time I got back with the camera she had a nice little pile of wet toilet paper all around the sink and on the floor by the garbage can.

Thanks for your help big girl!
sleep tight little ones
Sometimes I can't wait for them to go to bed! They fight, they yell, they hit, they break toys and they tell me NO all day! Once in bed it takes another 45 mins of drinks, books, potty and we-wes (blankets) before they are asleep and that's on a good night. But on my way to bed when I peek into their rooms I see perfect little babies so sweet and so peaceful. I forget all about the chaos of the day and I just enjoy the moment.

kindergarten shopping
Jake and I took Ethan shopping for school clothes & supplies. I can't believe he is going into kindergarten! He was nice and told me I could take 5 pictures "but that's it Mom, I mean it only 5 pictures!" We started off at the mall looking at shoes and coats. We didn't find either....ugh. The poor kid is just so little, I mean he still wears a 2T in the waist (that's the size of Gracie). All of the big kid clothes he wanted didn't come in his size. Of course I did find somethings for him, I mean I can't leave a mall empty handed. We had to take him to dinner as well so it was off to Red Robin or the bird as my kids call it. He ordered his entire meal without any help from us. So now he is all set for kindergarten to start Sept. 17th. It's hard to believe he will be leaving me in a few weeks but I am so excited for his new adventures. I know he will be fine and have a great time and who cares if Gracie and I sit on the playground the whole time waiting for him :)
02 September 2009
costco mums
After my trip to Costco the other day I realized I need a bigger car. They had these beautiful fall mums there so I got 3 plants. The problem came when I tried to put them in the car. I thought they would fit in the trunk but they were too tall so they had to go in the backseat. Luckily Ethan was not with me because as you can see there was no room for any more children in this car.

Mr & Mrs Pentecost

Jake and I spent our 7th Anniversary watching two of our favorite people say I DO. Our friends Brandi & Ted were married last Sunday at Gorge Crest Vineyards. The wedding was beautiful, the view was amazing and the celebration was fantastic.
Erich giving his Mommy loves
a little sibling love
Jake's parents, Joan & Max
Ethan loves pretty ladies!
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