24 June 2009

Ethan's tree house

The other day Ethan told me "hey mom I know what we are going to do today" when I asked him what he said "we are going to build a tree house for fathers day." "It will be for boys only! but you can bring me snacks sometimes if you want and Gracie gets one time to look." When Jake got home Ethan told him his plan and they set out to build a tree house. They decided to put it back in the corner of our yard. The big oak trees create so much shade that I really don't plant anything up there anyways. Ethan sat down with Jake and told him everything he wanted in his tree house and Jake drew it on paper then they went to Home Depot and got all the supplies. Gracie tried to help a few times but was told to go away and play (poor girl) but that didn't stop her from "helping" anyways. Here are a few pictures of the project so far, it's taking a little longer due to the rain and Jake's long work schedule.

the corner before
working on the plans

Ethan had to help carry the wood
time for a rest
Happy Father's Day!

the rain started
trying to stay dry in the rain

Jake told the kids not to dance on the wood until he nailed it down so of course they started dancing on it. Gracie makes some weird sounds and Ethan well he just moves around like a crazy person.

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