29 September 2010

as life gets busy

Yesterday I was reminded that life is busy and in order to make other people happy you must be happy yourself. Too many days I spend my time doing things for others just to sit down at the end of the day to realize that I didn't get anything done for myself.

Yesterday I had an 8:15 apt with the red cross to donate blood. However yesterday just wasn't my day. I didn't have a sitter for Gracie so I had to take her with me which put me a little behind schedule. Now I could have rescheduled the apt for later in the day but I had made plans to help someone else. Add to that 97% humidity and about every red light I could find put me even more behind schedule. Anyways when I finally ran in they took all my vitals and of course my pulse was 106 (too high to donate) so the nurse was very nice and let me have a few minutes to catch my breath then took it again...103.....unable to donate. I know that there will be other days to donate but what if I'm too busy that day too? It made me stop and think that maybe I put too much on my plate.

So I ask you, all 5 of you who read this, how do you prioritize your to do list?

1 comment:

  1. I'm "one of your 5"! I enjoy reading your blog posts! It is sad, but I don't have any really big secret to prioritizing. I know at the end of the day, it is pretty difficult to have time for yourself. I have learned to not over schedule myself. I'm much better doing a few things really well than trying to do everything and getting frazzled. I have so many things I want to do, but really limit what is most important and meaningful which is really a small fraction of what I would like to do. I try to look ahead a month or two at a time and pick one or two things I would really like to do--like a movie, or meet someone for coffee and schedule those because if I don't schedule ahead, it seems like I never make the time. I'm glad you are making time to do the blog about your kids. Years from now it will mean so much to them that you took the time to write about your life and your experience of being a mom! It tells more of a story that pictures can't.
