28 July 2010

camping countdown

We just planned our one and only summer vacation! We are going to Detroit Lake with friends in August for some camping, boating and all around good fun! I can't wait to get the kids out on the lake and be around people who truly love my family. The downside to all this water fun is the swimwear. I have not bought a new suit in years and lets just say my body's not in bikini shape! I would love to go shopping for a new more "2 kid friendly" one but not only do the stores have back to school stuff out now but my budget looks a little slim. So for the next 18 days it's salad and a little exercise for me :) my goal is not to lose a ton of weight but to feel comfortable in a bikini.

1 comment:

  1. ugh. i just had to do that. i got a really cute "mom friendly" one at target..they had a HUGE selection. you should check, I bet they are even more cheap now. They had a lot of cute ones:) good luck
