28 July 2010

gracie's real birthday 07/07/07

After posting all her party pictures I realized I never put up the pictures from her real birthday.
her birthday waffles with a candle of course

a birthday cookie

swimming with her new goggles

trying to put up 3 fingers

birthday dinner at Olive Garden

Our lucky little girl is now three years old and what a beautiful, playful, stubborn, bright & caring little princess she is!

camping countdown

We just planned our one and only summer vacation! We are going to Detroit Lake with friends in August for some camping, boating and all around good fun! I can't wait to get the kids out on the lake and be around people who truly love my family. The downside to all this water fun is the swimwear. I have not bought a new suit in years and lets just say my body's not in bikini shape! I would love to go shopping for a new more "2 kid friendly" one but not only do the stores have back to school stuff out now but my budget looks a little slim. So for the next 18 days it's salad and a little exercise for me :) my goal is not to lose a ton of weight but to feel comfortable in a bikini.

gracie's 3rd birthday bash

Here's Gracie's 3rd birthday party in pictures.........
with her best friends Faith, Allie & Rylee (they are all 6 wks apart)
with Uncle Erich & Ariel
Grampy's girl
our great neighbor Dennis gave her a few big pushes on the swing
her other mommy Katie and the girls
Uncle Jube, Aubrey, Aunt Aimee & Chandra
the ladybug game from Barb & Dennis
opening Legos from her big brother
he just can't wait to see her open his gift that he bought himself with the money he made at his lemonade stand!

a big hug for the Legos

the other man in her life Brady with Holly & Allie

a big girl bike from mommy & daddy

pinata time

of course her friends had to help her blow out the candles

Mr Jack
with her Papa & Grammie who got her the wonderful swim lessons for her birthday!

Grandpa & Grandma who spoiled her rotten with Barbies

Aunt Brittney & Uncle Brandon

19 July 2010

another year, another great smile

A look back at Gracie's birthday pictures........
in my belly
3 months
6 months
9 months

1 year

18 months

2 years

3 years